Sunday, September 8, 2013

Aug 26, 27, and 28 - riding our new bicycles

August 26-28th:  Enjoying our new bicycles

The first three days of this week, my mom took us to ride bikes around the Science Park.  My mom was able to borrow one of six bikes from the apartment manager's office.  The first day we went to a lake and rode in a very muddy area, so we got all muddy.  The second day was our longest ride (9 km) and we rode to a preserve.  The third day we rode to the yellow ribbon, which is a huge modern sculpture that is a symbol for the Science Park.  That day's ride was shorter because my mom was sore from riding the first two days.

A reporter from a Taiwanese newspaper visited the Science Park to write about the new metal sculptures that were recently installed.  He was so happy to see us riding by and asked us to be part of the picture.  The next day, our picture was in the newspaper.  You can see the article here:

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