Friday, July 12, 2013

July 11, 2013 - visiting Tainan

Today we went to Tainan to check out an apartment where we are probably going to move.  The apartment is on the 2nd floor and is next door to another apartment with kids, so maybe we can make friends with them.  Then we went to have lunch in Shanhua and found a line of food vendors.  We bought some shen bing (savory meat or seafood pies) and we didn't know where to sit down.  A lady from the clock shop next door offered us a table and chairs from another lady next door to her.  We ate, and then clock lady suggested getting some wintermelon juice from a shop across the street.  For dessert, I had a sweet red bean crispy cake from another vendor.

After lunch we visited a school in Shanhua.  When we got there was a playground with cement slides that goes really fast.  There was also a metal climbing/monkey bar apparatus.  The school used to be a sugar factory, so there was museum with sugar harvesting machines.  We saw lots of dark red centipedes everywhere we went.  

Shen bing (meat pies)

Sweet red bean crispy cakes

Papaya tree on the side of the road

A bridge over a koi pond at the school

The administrative offices at the school

"If you work hard, you will see results"

Part of the playground at the school

The steps at the school.  My dad asked us to pick a step.

The name of the school

Eating popsicles that the principal gave us

Ice cream and tea

These are bomb shelters used in the WWII -- Bombers could not see people hiding in these from above.

Sugarcane museum

Sugarcane harvester


  1. Aimee, I checked out Tainan online. It looks like a great place to live, tour, have fun, and to dine. I would like to go to Tongji for their Anping Bean Jelly! Most impressive to me is the
    hi-speed train. I learned that the company is working with California Caltrain to build our hi-speed train here. Imagine that!...I like your school. You and Darren will be impressive additions. Oh the wonderful friends you will have. You will all have much happiness there.
    Hugs to each of you, Mrs. Dotty

    1. We just had some bean jelly last night before typhoon came, but we'll definitely try the one at Anping and take some pictures after we move there.

  2. P.S. All the photos on your blog are wonderful and your blog is impressive and charming! So proud of you...Mrs. Dotty
