Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 16 and July 17, 2013 - visiting Tainan again

We were going to Tainan to participate in some activities at the school I'm going to next year.  On the way there we visited a rest stop off the highway in Nantou for lunch.  This one had many restaurants, stores and a playground.  It's a lot more fancy than the ones in America because Taiwan is all about food.  We visited some car dealers to find a car that fit 7 people.  We are considering a Mazda 5 or Toyota Wish.  I like both cars, but the thing I really like about the Mazda 5 is that the middle seat in the back can be hidden under the one of the side seats.  We then went to our hotel in Shanhua and went to bed.

The next day we woke up early and had breakfast in the hotel restaurant.  On the way through the lobby we saw a grey mouse scurrying into the restaurant.  It looked like someone's pet mouse because its fur was slick and well-groomed.  When I reopened the door to go in the restaurant, the mouse ran back out and the lobby concierge took care of him.  The mouse was probably from the fields around the hotel.  Then we went to the school to participate in the activities.  We painted rock owls in the first session and made waffles in the second session.  It was really fun.

In the evening we came back to Taichung and were invited to a buffet called, "Las Vegas" by my grandparents' friends.  We had fried boneless fish, oysters, squid, sushi, and lots of dessert.

Trying out Mobo tricycles at Vulz Bicycles

Eating lunch at a rest stop in Nantou

Eating ice cream sandwiches

Learning how to make rock owls

Painting the owls

Finishing my first owl

Painting my second owl

Our finished owls

Making waffles

Darren taking out his waffles

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