Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 5 and July 6, 2013 - shoe shopping

Sorry -- no pictures!

July 5, 2013:

Today we went shoe shopping for Darren and me but were not successful.  We went to RT Mart - one of the places my mom's friend told us to go to find dress shoes.  Darren's shoes are for the performance on Sunday.  We ate sushi for lunch.

Later that night we visited my mom's friends house to play with her two sons, Sammy and Gary.  Sammy is 7 and Gary is 4.  When we got there the boys wanted to play hide and seek.  Their house has five floors, including the garage.  The top floor was dedicated to their two cats.  The cat floor has a balcony with a pond containing fish, which the cats try to catch.

July 6, 2013:

Darren had his weekly cello lesson so I stayed home to practice violin and read.  Later on we went shoe shopping again and found shoes for Darren and sandals for me.  The kids' sandals were too small, so I checked out the smallest women's sandals and they fit me.


  1. Of course, lady sandals for the violin princess.
    Darren, how do your cello lessons compare with Catherine's? Will you be in Book 5 by the time you get back to Solana Beach?
    Love you both!

    1. We just had some bean jelly last night before typhoon came, but we'll definitely try the one at Anping and take some pictures after we move there.
