Friday, July 5, 2013

July 3, 2013 - Science Museum with Enrico

Today at 9:30 we met my friend Enrico at the Science Museum.  Enrico is my mom's friend's son.  He is 10 years old and can speak good English.  When we got there we went to the Life Science center first.  There were mechanical moving dinosaurs and they looked pretty realistic.  We also saw a giant beetle in comparison with a teeny elephant.  Their sizes were switched.

Then we went to the giant greenhouse that felt like a jungle.  When we got in, it was more humid than outside.  There was a portion that was like a rainforest with steady rain falling from the ceiling of the greenhouse. 

On the walk home, we all got mango smoothies from DaYung's Tea shop and then stopped for dinner close to our house.  Enrico played at our house for a little while until his grandfather picked him up.

It was fun spending the day with Enrico.

Enrico pressing all of the buttons on the scene

In the earthquake seat

The greenhouse

Giant butterfly outside of the greenhouse


I'm so tall!

Enrico and I on the lever ladders

With the python

Cooling down

All of us drinking mango smoothies

Who are these statues?

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