Friday, July 12, 2013

July 12, 2013 - Preparing for the typhoon

So we stayed home most of today because the typhoon was coming.  The typhoon is 5 times the size of Taiwan and the center is supposed to pass through Taipei, which is north of Taichung.  My mom and grandpa went to stock up on food for the two days that the typhoon is going to be here.  Taichung got some bad whacks lunch and at night the wind picked up.  A palm tree frond fell on our awning and it was loud.  We had to move the shoe cabinet in front of the door so the door won't blow open because it rattles.

I worked on my Chinese and practiced violin as usual.


1 comment:

  1. My dear Aimee, I sincerely pray that you and your family remain safe and secure during this typhoon... When I was your age, I was at school when a hurricane struck my city of Providence, Rhode Island. We were allowed to leave school to walk home - alone! After standing on the corner with my coat blowing around my head, I looked back at the school just in time to see a corner of the roof rise up - as if a giant hand had lifted it off the building. After that, I turned toward home, carefully walking over a number of trees that had fallen across the sidewalk. I was just three blocks from home. With the telephone lines down, my parents had no idea where I was. It was a happy homecoming with a memory for a lifetime. I was never afraid because I didn't know that a hurricane
    was like a wild beast. I just took it in stride and walked bravely ahead. At the time, I was nine years old...Stay safe and free from harm. We love you and your family...Mrs. Dotty I
