Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 29, 2013 - Pizza and Coca Cola!

Ever since I have arrived in Taiwan, I had a craving for pizza. So finally we went out to a pizza and pasta place. When we arrived there, we had lots of different kinds of pizza including, apple pizza, peach pizza, and marshmallow banana chocolate pizza. At the end of our meal, Darren and I tried Coca Cola for the first time! It felt like bubbles came out of my ears. 

At dinner time, we met up with my mom's best friend from high school and her two sons (10 years and 1 and 1/2) for dinner. We had Shanghainese food.

Apple pizza

Mochi and red bean pizza

Takoyaki pizza

Marshmallow pizza

First time drinking Coca Cola!

At dinner

Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013 - Paper making and Chung Tai Chan Monastery

Today we went to a paper factory in Puli.  We took a tour and made our own paper.  I made a scroll, and postcards from scratch and also embossed a stamp on previously made paper.  Darren made a fan.  It was very fun to make them.

After making the paper, we went next door to a chocolate shop that also made mango ice cream.  We had a couple scoops and it was really tasty.

Then we drove to the Chung Tai Chan Monastery.  There were pillars that were the kings of North, South, East, and West.  They were really tall and had five heads each.

On our way home we passed a passionfruit farm and we wanted to know if they sold any.  It turned out that the season for passionfruit is later in the summer, so we'll have them then.

Then we drove home and I practiced, and that's where I am right now.

Scooping the paper fibers from the water

Lifting the tray out of the water

lifting the bamboo screen from the paper

decorating the postcards

Postcards going to be dried

removing the paper from the mat

drying on the hotplate

Lifting the paper off of the hotplate

My finished postcards

wetting the paper

Embossing the paper

Dabbing the color on the paper

My finished stamp

Putting leaves on my scroll

Pressing the water out of the paper
My scroll ready for drying

Brushing the scroll on the hotplate

At the front of the paper factory

My finished scroll and Darren's fan

Malt sugar candy

Carrying rice baskets

One of the King pillars at the Monastery

The Buddha at the Chung Tai Chan Monastery

Passionfruits growing on a farm

Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 27, 2013 - LihPao Land Waterpark!

In the morning a crane came to our house to remove and replace all the tiles on the roof.  We went to a waterpark called LihPao Land so we wouldn't have to hear all the construction noise above.

When we got there we started at the half which has more dry rides.  First we went on The Stinger which was pretty fast.  Then we went Jungle Boat River Rafting which got us a little wet.  As we were exiting that ride, we saw hair dryers available for rent (2 minutes for 10 Taiwanese dollars, which is about 33 cents).  As we were looking for another ride, we saw the Crown Swinger and Darren joined my dad and me.

Then we crossed over to the waterpark.  Darren spotted The Big Wave, which is a pool that has occasional huge waves.  See the video below!  When I first walked in I was scared of the waves, but then my dad took me in deeper and I found out it wasn't too bad.  After The Big Wave, we went to the lazy river for inner-tube rafting.

Before we left LihPao Land, we played in an artificial grass maze.  It was very confusing and kids kept on climbing over and on top of the walls.

It was a fun day.  I really want to go again and try some different things.

Good night!

In front of LihPao Land

Dad and I on the fifth car of The Stinger.

Jungle Boating

Hair Dryers for rent!

Darren, Dad, and I on The Crown Swinger

Waiting for the Big Wave

Video of one of the big waves.  Look for me falling down!

Lazy River Rafting

The maze

The LihPao lion

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 25 and June 26, 2013 - Bookstore and Balloon Factory

June 25, 2013:
In the afternoon, we went to Mollie's Used Bookstore.  I found a book that sounded cool, so I read two chapters and decided it was a good book.  The book is called, The Illusions, from the Animorphs series.  It is about a group of friends who are Animorphs:  Tobias with his friends, Cassie, Marco, Ax, Rachel, and Jake.  They fight the Yeerks who are trying to kill the Animorphs.  The Animorphs can turn into different creatures.

Afterwards, Darren, my dad, and I went to a sushi restaurant while my mom went home to have dinner with my grandparents.

June 26, 2013:

We went to the Museum of Art again and were looking for an exhibit that is a video clip of a bunch of people either named Amy or David.  Those two names are the most popular in Taiwan over the last 50 years.  Unfortunately, we couldn't find the exhibit, so instead we went to the Family Room again.  This time we made party hats because it was the 25th birthday of the Museum.

After the museum, we had a quick lunch and then went to the city of Fengyuan to visit the Balloon Museum at the Prolloon Balloon Company.  They supply balloons to 130 countries around the world.  They make up to 2 million balloons a day and 90% are exported.  We took a tour and the guide asked us questions and gave prizes for correct answers.  At the end of the tour we got to make our own balloons.  First you dip the stick into a coagulant and then dip it into colored latex.  Then the balloon is baked and cooled down.  Then we could see our balloon!  After the workshop we went to the gift shop and got a pump and some long balloons.  When we got home I made a balloon sword by myself.

The little rabbit

Balloon Giraffe

Too bad the climbing wall was closed!

In front of the factory

Many of the companies who use Prolloon balloons

This balloon apple looks tasty!

My unfinished balloon

Applying the talcum powder so the balloon won't be sticky.

My finished balloon!!

My inflated balloon

The girl who helped us in the workshop made the bee and sword for us.
I made a sword by myself.