Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 6 - 2nd day at school

Today I woke up at 7:10 today and rushed to eat breakfast to get to school early. My splendid mom was going to give a presentation about my other school, Skyline. When we got to school, the kids were sitting in their chairs already. Then my splendid mom gave her presentation and when she was comparing their lunch to our lunch, they were going ooohh and aaahhh at our pizza, hamburgers, and sandwiches. After the presentation, one boy started giving out candy because his birthday was tomorrow but he gave it out today because he didn't know if we were going to be at school tomorrow. Then the other kids had a lesson where they had to recite a paragraph memorized to each other. When that class was finished we had a recess and we ate the candy we were given. After the recess, they continued the Chinese class to look at the transformation of traditional Chinese characters. During the recess, we had another race and I let them win this time. The Math class was about cubes and rectangular prisms.
The last class of the day was taught by a different teacher. The class was divided into two teams, boys and girls, and everyone got a chance to go up to the blackboard to write the things needed for beach outings. I drew a boogie board and Darren drew a bottle of sunscreen because we don't know how to write them in Chinese.
After getting back to Taichung, we went to the new city library. It was very cold in the library and it had five floors full of books. There was a children's part of the library that had big circle imprints lined with carpet to sit on. They also had a robot that carries the books that were sorted up to the children's area to get put back on the shelves. When we went back to the car and drove home, I had a dragonfruit which was really purple. After the yummy dragonfruit, my grandpa cooked dinner and we ate.

Birthday treat -- Darren is helping.

Class picture

Writing at the board

The robot brings books to their proper location
Outside the City library
Self-serve book sanitizing machine


Dragonfruit halves

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