Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 4 - tea eggs at the train station!

Okay, we're up to day four. So this time, I woke Darren up by dropping a pillow down at him from the top bed. At eight, we went downstairs for mochi bread. After breakfast, we walked to a bus station and took the bus to the High-Speed Railway and ate a bento box for lunch there. We walked around the station and found a 7-Eleven where we bought some tea eggs, quail eggs and a grass jelly drink. Then we went back on the bus and walked home again. Then we went to a bookstore and got some art supplies including Chinese knot strings. Then my mom and I got a haircut and the person there cut my hair really short. Afterwards we went to some bike shops in favor of my awesome dad before dinner. The place we went to had only three dishes and those dishes were fishball soup, rice noodle soup, and chewy gelatin covered meat. Then we went home and I started typing this.

Tea eggs from 7-Eleven

At the Taichung HSR Station

On the shuttle bus from the train station

Enjoying a simple dinner with my new haircut


  1. Trying to comment again. I can't wait to see your haircut in person.

    1. Hi, Sofia! Maybe we can Skype and you can see it. My Skype username is violinscooter.

  2. Chewy gelatin covered meat - I'm guessing that is the tapioca wrapper w/ ground meat inside? How were the tea eggs?

    1. The tea eggs were great and tasty -- nice and soft. And yes -- I think you're right about the tapioca covered meat.
