Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 19, 2013 – Touring Taipei, Peace Island – Day 2

We woke up and went down stairs for complimentary breakfast and I stuffed myself with porridge, cereal, scrambled eggs, natto (fermented soy beans), and yogurt. Then we practiced violin and cello in the room while my dad went to visit his friend. We met my other great aunt for lunch and as you know… it was another great meal.

After lunch, we headed up to Peace Island in Keelong (the northern point of Taiwan).  It's cool how we could actually see the fish and catch and release them with nets.  The fish sometimes hop up onto the concrete.  That is the easiest time to catch them.
We then visited YehLiu Geopark.  There is a trail that takes you through the different rock formations. We saw the Queen's Head, Fairy Slipper, and a jaguar jumping out of a rock.

We had dinner at the food court in Taipei 101, one of the tallest buildings in the world. I wanted to go to the top, but there was a fee and it was too late in the evening.  The food court had many different choices of food. We ended up picking our food from 5 different places – Italian, Indian, Korean, Taiwanese, and Cantonese. Guess which one I chose. I had a lamb dish with naan, salad, and soup.

Our dessert

All of us

Taipei 101

At the beach

Catching fish

The fish I caught

Let's go somewhere!

At the Geopark

An oopsies with a background

The ocean

Fairy's Slipper


Jaguar jumping out of rock

My dinner,(Indian)

Us with the 101 guy

With the marlin at Peace Island

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