Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013 - Paper making and Chung Tai Chan Monastery

Today we went to a paper factory in Puli.  We took a tour and made our own paper.  I made a scroll, and postcards from scratch and also embossed a stamp on previously made paper.  Darren made a fan.  It was very fun to make them.

After making the paper, we went next door to a chocolate shop that also made mango ice cream.  We had a couple scoops and it was really tasty.

Then we drove to the Chung Tai Chan Monastery.  There were pillars that were the kings of North, South, East, and West.  They were really tall and had five heads each.

On our way home we passed a passionfruit farm and we wanted to know if they sold any.  It turned out that the season for passionfruit is later in the summer, so we'll have them then.

Then we drove home and I practiced, and that's where I am right now.

Scooping the paper fibers from the water

Lifting the tray out of the water

lifting the bamboo screen from the paper

decorating the postcards

Postcards going to be dried

removing the paper from the mat

drying on the hotplate

Lifting the paper off of the hotplate

My finished postcards

wetting the paper

Embossing the paper

Dabbing the color on the paper

My finished stamp

Putting leaves on my scroll

Pressing the water out of the paper
My scroll ready for drying

Brushing the scroll on the hotplate

At the front of the paper factory

My finished scroll and Darren's fan

Malt sugar candy

Carrying rice baskets

One of the King pillars at the Monastery

The Buddha at the Chung Tai Chan Monastery

Passionfruits growing on a farm

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