Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2 in Taiwan

Woke up at 5:30 today so I'm almost used to Taiwan time. At eleven, I had my first violin lesson in Taiwan. My teacher lives on the eighteenth floor of a high-rise apartment building that had twenty-four floors. My teacher is the concertmaster of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Then at one, we went home. After that, we started out to lunch at a sticky rice place  when an earthquake happened. The restaurant only sold five dishes, which were sticky rice, onchoy, soup, meatballs, and water (does that count?) Then we walked to a store that had fourteen floors and stayed there until we got to the fourteenth floor. After that we continued walking to a supermart and I had a lychee ice bar.  We walked home and rested a bit before going to dinner.  I just got back and am very tired.  Time for bed.

More tomorrow!

A simple lunch

A weird guy with a belly button

How will this keep me dry?
kids' bathroom at the SOGO department store -- which one should I use?

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