Monday, June 10, 2013

June 9, 2013 - Taichung Museum of Fine Arts

We woke up and went down to eat breakfast. After breakfast, we stayed home until going to the Taichung Museum of Arts. When we got there, we went to walk by the side of the river and it started to rain so we went inside the museum and looked at art made by milk bottles. Then we went to the children's part of the museum and I posed with with the artwork. We looked around at the modern art which included a bathroom display with lots of pipes. After that, we checked out the Family Room waiting line but it was too long so we couldn't go in. The Family Room had a place for water wall painting and pipe building. Then we went back home and changed clothes to get ready for a special dinner. We had a ten course banquet and a cold red bean sweet soup. My grandma's and grandpa's friends were invited. After the dinner, we went home and went to bed.

What is this?

Down the path by the river

Over the river

More posing!

Reading Chinese books

Who am I

Pac Man!

Garden sculpture

Soup from the banquet

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! You are making me hungry with all this food! We are at the studio right now.

