Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 18, 2013 - Taipei Trip - Day 1

Today we got a rental car so all six of us could go on the trip. On our way to Taipei, we stopped at an old town named DaXi (pronounced da-shi). We walked to a Dou-Gan (baked Tofu) place and tried a variety of samples. Those Dou-Gan looked like big brown blocks but tasted better than they looked. As we were looking for a place for lunch, my grandpa found a Dou-Hua (silky tofu dessert) shop and I had a bowl of Dou-Hua with shredded ice, brown sugar syrup, lemon jelly, grass jelly, and boba (see the first post if you don’t know what it is). Okay… that wasn’t my lunch. We headed to a restaurant specialized in Yo-Fan (oily sticky rice) and had some sticky rice, broccoli, and soup.

We then drove to my great grandma’s place in her car filter factory near Taipei and met her for the first time. She is 101 years old and speaks Taiwanese which even my mom doesn’t understand much. We also met my great uncle, great aunt, uncle, and aunt there. We brought our violin and cello and played some music for them. Of course, we can’t end our day without a big meal especially with families. We ate at a restaurant in Taipei and I got to order an herb sparerib dish which was scrumptious.

After dinner, we drove to our hotel and Darren and I got attracted to the toilet right away because of its cool functions – spray, bidet, heat, and more (I don’t think I need to go into details). 

A street in DaXi

We found a public well to wash our hands

Yo-fan (oily sticky rice)

Playing for my great grandmother (101 years old!)

Family picture

Our hotel room

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