Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013 - Taichung Science Museum

Today I woke up very late because I went to sleep 11:00 last night.  We ate an egg custard that we bought last night for breakfast.  After breakfast my grandfather dropped us off at the Taichung Science Museum.  The museum had many levels with different topics.  My favorite level was the "Material World" level.  That level had a gigantic bubble-making apparatus.  You get to stand in a circle while another person lifts up a giant ring to make a bubble around you.  The level also had a lever and pulley station where you had to lift 30 kilograms in different ways.  There was also a seat where you got to lift yourself up with a rope and pulley.

On another floor, there was a room that made people seem smaller or larger based on where they stand.    On that same floor there were holograms that looked real.

We also stopped by the life sciences museum but decided to do those activities later in the summer.

For dinner we all went to Everyday Noodles and had noodles!

We came home and that's where I am right now.

Good night (for me at least)!

Angel columns -- what can you see in there?

Different kinds of gases

Reflection of me on the screen

Darren has grown a lot

Darren has shrunk a lot

Woo!  I'm taller than my mom!

Awww -- I'm way smaller than my mom now

How long will this bubble stay?

How many languages are there?

Uncle Noodles

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