Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 5 - Chinese school

Woke up at 6:20 am and left at 7:20 to go to a school in Yuanling, Taiwan.  My mom's friend is a 2nd grade teacher there and she let Darren and me sit in the classroom for the rest of the week.  All the kids there new about our arrival, so when we got there, they welcomed me.  They all speak Chinese, but don't speak English much, so I had a hard time communicating with them.  They were very friendly.  We started the day by making stuffed felt pendants from a kit containing a plastic sewing needle and stuffing.  After making the bags, we had recess.  We ran laps and I was running against the girls and won!  We went back to class and a Taiwanese tutor came in and handed out worksheets.  We had to write Chinese characters and read lines from right to left.  After that class we had lunch.  The lunch was delivered to the class in large trays and each student had to serve him or herself.  The lunch was ma-po tofu, corn with quail eggs, fried chicken, on-choy, white rice, and pork bone soup.  It was much tastier than Skyline lunches!

After lunch we had another recess and I ran a race against three boys and won again.  After recess we drove home and rested.  I practiced my violin and also ate lemon jelly.  We went outside and saw a snail that was humongous.  It was the size of a fist.  Then we drove to a university to go swimming.  We got in for free because my grandma used to teach there.  We planned to eat at the school's cafeteria, but it was closed, so we went to a restaurant near my grandparents' place.

Good night!

At the front of the school

Getting introduced to the class

A welcome message on the board

arts and crafts

racing the other kids

My new friends:  Eva, Sophie, and Sandy

class picture

During class (I'm in the far corner)

lunch time!

serving ourselves


Darren with his new pendant

They have cool playstructures!

Big snail with my hand
Big snail and dime

Confucius statue outside of the school


Thumbs up!

cicada shell outside the school


  1. WOW! I'm hungry now. I want to have that school lunch!! Neato - snail and cicada shell. Have you seen a live one yet?

    1. I've seen both of them- Snail alive, cicada half alive being eaten by ants. Disgusting.
