Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013 - A quiet Monday

Today we didn't do much because many things such as museums and libraries were closed. We sat around all day watching and playing electronics until dinnertime when we were going to walk to a stinky tofu place but when we got there, we saw it was very dirty so we didn't eat there. Then we walked to many other places until we found a sushi place. So we ate there and I got a half cooked tuna dish with shrimp and rice. After dinner, we went home and that's where I am right now. Good bye.

Let me know how the end of the year party went!
I craved pizza today from Pizzacato.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's visit to Taipei!

Us in front of our house

My food today

Darren and I on small balls

Lets party!

1 comment:

  1. About the party,it was ok... well for me it was i'm sure others felt differently about that!
