Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 25 and June 26, 2013 - Bookstore and Balloon Factory

June 25, 2013:
In the afternoon, we went to Mollie's Used Bookstore.  I found a book that sounded cool, so I read two chapters and decided it was a good book.  The book is called, The Illusions, from the Animorphs series.  It is about a group of friends who are Animorphs:  Tobias with his friends, Cassie, Marco, Ax, Rachel, and Jake.  They fight the Yeerks who are trying to kill the Animorphs.  The Animorphs can turn into different creatures.

Afterwards, Darren, my dad, and I went to a sushi restaurant while my mom went home to have dinner with my grandparents.

June 26, 2013:

We went to the Museum of Art again and were looking for an exhibit that is a video clip of a bunch of people either named Amy or David.  Those two names are the most popular in Taiwan over the last 50 years.  Unfortunately, we couldn't find the exhibit, so instead we went to the Family Room again.  This time we made party hats because it was the 25th birthday of the Museum.

After the museum, we had a quick lunch and then went to the city of Fengyuan to visit the Balloon Museum at the Prolloon Balloon Company.  They supply balloons to 130 countries around the world.  They make up to 2 million balloons a day and 90% are exported.  We took a tour and the guide asked us questions and gave prizes for correct answers.  At the end of the tour we got to make our own balloons.  First you dip the stick into a coagulant and then dip it into colored latex.  Then the balloon is baked and cooled down.  Then we could see our balloon!  After the workshop we went to the gift shop and got a pump and some long balloons.  When we got home I made a balloon sword by myself.

The little rabbit

Balloon Giraffe

Too bad the climbing wall was closed!

In front of the factory

Many of the companies who use Prolloon balloons

This balloon apple looks tasty!

My unfinished balloon

Applying the talcum powder so the balloon won't be sticky.

My finished balloon!!

My inflated balloon

The girl who helped us in the workshop made the bee and sword for us.
I made a sword by myself.

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