Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13, 2013 - Violin master class

Today we woke up and I practiced violin. Then at 10:30 we went to the Museum of Fine Arts to go to the Family Room. When we got to the Family Room we had to wait for 20 minutes until we could go in. We got in and went to the building section and Darren and I built a doghouse and a modern house with pipes. After we built with pipes, we took some interlocking foam pieces and built a robot that you could stand inside. Then we constructed some dolls with joints. Next we built a dragon that you could color. Then our Family Room session was over and we checked out some of the new art at the museum. After that, we went to the museum's restaurant and ate blood cake, noodles, turnip cake, squid fries, and pork. Blood cake had a good taste and a weird taste. Anyways, I liked it. Then we went home and rested a little, then had dinner at home. After dinner, we went to a master class. At the master class, three high school kids played different pieces and a famous violinist named Ray Chen told them what to work on. When the class was done, my violin teacher drove us back home because my grandpa was too late and it was raining. Then we came back and that's where I am right now.

building my modern house

Darren's doghouse

modern building

robot costume

constructing dolls with joints

Making dragons

Ray Chen Master Class

My teacher, me, and Ray Chen


  1. What did you learn from the master class? Anything noticeably different in method or the way he instructs?

    1. He plays with his left hand thumb a little bit upwards and without shoulder pad. I learned to tilt my violin backwards at the high notes and tilt forward at the lower notes.
